Sunday, October 18, 2009

Madrid Flick

Here is a flick from our time in Madrid... Don't get confused... we are in Istanbul right now but just lagging on our productions haha. Anyway... Here it is... Oh ya, did we mention we loved Spain??

Untitled from Austin Walk on Vimeo.

P.S. I'm going on an island and I'm gonna bring a Sailboat, pencil, alligator, igloo, and napkins... try to come, I dare you


Stacey said...

I love this game!!! I know what it is!!! i think, Can i either bring Stacey or Mayo? C'mon austin, you know you can't stump me on this game!

Whitney said...

I loved Sara on the roller coaster, " I don't like it, I don't like it!" So fun! Spain seemed like it was amazing!

The last Unicorn said...

I wanted to scream while you were filming the roller coaster ride. So fun!

Anonymous said...

hahah which one do you want to bring? stacey or mayo?

reefonline said...

im bringing Sara, Pepe, Austin, Iker and loads of Nasty Taxi drivers!!!!

very nice video once again!!!

Anonymous said...

haha Borja can come... of course, he can always come

Gonzo said...

hahahahahahahaahahaa i love the video!!!!!!!! its so good!!!! love the taxi part... hahahaha
Can i bring Spain, Pain, Ain, In, No?

Anonymous said...

haha of course... you're the prince, you come no matter what

Anonymous said...

I didn't know whether i could bring Stacey, porkchops, applesauce, indians and ninjas. Or Mayo, applesauce, donkeys, rocks, ice and ducks. GET it?

Rhett Maurice Billen said...

Man I don't know why that was so hard. I'm going to bring spaghetti, porcupines, artichokes, intimacy, and nancy (grandma's hands).