Sunday, December 6, 2009



I have always wanted to go to Israel and especially Jerusalem, there are so many wonderful things to see and to just think of all of the miracles that happened is so exciting. Unfortunately we were only there for a couple days....but what we got to see is so memorable to me!

Well one of the first sites we saw was the Weeping Wall...I guess I never knew of the significance of this wall to the Jewish Faith till I got there and was able to see the reaction people had to it and got to learn of its history... it was really interesting. The wall is separated into a men's and woman's side. When I went up to the wall it was swarmed with people, woman were crying, and others were praying. It was really cool to see.

this is the men's side....

Next I must talk about the markets. Lots to see AND eat! So we had to stop off for some good ole Falafel….YUM! I don’t think I can ever get sick of Falafel.

And next the shops, so neat and so much fun stuff….I loved all of these crazy jars and pots and vases!

I also bought our first Nativity scene there (I'm sad I didn’t take a picture of it before I shipped it back home) but it is seriously so amazing I love it.

this shop was absolute chaos....

This building was in the market and I just loved it….don't you just love Mosaics?

I have to say one really weird thing is all of these 18 year olds walking around EVERYWHERE with these semi automatic riffles.....ha ha so many girls was kind of strange.

Now I saved the best for last….. The Garden of Gethsemane and the Garden Tomb.

The Garden of Gethsemane was so amazing, so beautiful I loved it! The trees there were so unusual.... It was just amazing to be able to picture what it might have looked and been like. The Garden is right under the mount of Olives where there are hundreds of olive trees....

the view from the top of the mount of olives

The Garden Tomb was so amazing, all of it is just how I pictured it would be...

the entrance

The could go inside

after you look at the tomb you walk through a small garden and then you are at Golgotha

its weird cause right underneath Golgotha is a bus station....but it still doesn't take away from the meaning and what happened there.

I loved Israel and hope to go back again some day :)


The last Unicorn said...

I am really jealous now! I am so glad you guys went here and what an amazing experience. Merry Christmas!

Tami Walk said...

What a wonderful place to go right before Christmas ! I would love to go someday. Thanks for sharing your feelings and amzing pictures

Miss you, Mom

The Siple Family said...

What a great post!